Do you feel like you’re missing out on Idaho’s historically lucrative housing market?
By now, you’ve probably heard that there aren’t enough homes on the market to meet the current demand. You might have already realized that the Boise housing market is one of the hottest in the country. Now, you have decided to try and sell your home, but what do you do next?
If selling your home to cash in on the boom appeals to you, you need to stand out from the crowd. Selling your house in Idaho’s house market might seem like a piece of cake, but it’s not always easy to get the most out of your property value.

It may be a seller’s market, but house selling in Idaho in 2021 means you’re going to be in direct competition to attract potential buyers that can deliver top dollar. You need to make an outstanding first impression and let your home’s curb appeal earn maximum profits. Take advantage of our expert advice for selling your house to make sure you’re on the right track.
Real estate in Idaho is a niche and specialized market. Check out these new tips for selling your house in Idaho and get the best cash for your property!
The Booming Idaho Real Estate Market
During the COVID19 Pandemic, many Americans decided to move. A variety of factors saw people nationwide considering relocation. A lot of those people set their sights on Idaho. The appeal of the ‘heartland’ was especially strong in California, as residents of that state are moving to Idaho in droves.
The supply of homes on the market in the Boise metropolitan area continues to be outpaced by demand, and that has some sellers seeing dollar signs. Consistently tight inventory, large numbers of inbound movers, and low 30-year fixed mortgage rates have made single-family home prices leap. In Ada County, the median price for a single-family house increased almost 25% in the last 12 months alone!
Average house sale prices are up. Property values are up. But that means that the home buyers in Idaho aren’t just typical consumers. The market now includes those attracted to the profit margins: speculators and bulk-purchasers who are looking to cash in. You need to make sure you’re educating yourself to avoid potential pitfalls that might stand between you and maximum profit.
Tips for Selling Your House in Idaho in 2021
#1 Give Virtual Tours of Your House
In today’s real estate market, 79% of buyers shop online. By creating an interactive online experience, you can easily showcase your home and gain exposure in the market, and potentially even attract out-of-town buyers.
As 3-D virtual tours have become commonplace, it’s also become easier for the consumer (you!) to access the tools the pros use to create 3D tours. And, these tools are often free. Here’s one from Zillow. Show off your home’s best features without even having to open your door to anyone!
#2 Think Safety First When Doing Open Houses
If you’re getting ready to sell, you are probably already doing some things to prepare. The landscaping has been tidied up, you took some photos showing off the good natural light in the kitchen, maybe you’ve already decluttered and moved some stuff to a storage unit. But have you thought about the safety aspects of holding an open house or hosting a walk-through?
As the COVID19 Pandemic still rears its ugly head on the nightly news, do you want strangers wandering in off the street to check out your dining room without a mask? Consider posting a sign at the door requiring a mask and distributing them. The CDC also recommends improving ventilation in your home to help prevent the spread of COVID19.
Aside from the virus, there are plenty of things to be mindful of when it comes to your safety and security during and after your open house. For instance, you might want to have all of your visitors sign in and out, and you want to thoroughly check your home to make sure everyone has exited at the end of your event. Check out these tips from the National Association of Realtors and stay safe.
#3 Big Impressions With Private Viewings
If you want to attract real buyers to your home, few tactics work better than private viewings. Open houses can be easy for a seller: Clean the house, touch up the paint, put up a sign, wait for business. Casting with a wide net might work for fishing, but when it comes to selling your home, you probably don’t want the small-fry – you just want the whales!
So, tell your real estate agent you want to show your home through private viewings. It is a bit more of a hassle for you as the seller, especially if you’re still living in your home. Instead of staging your home for a group of potential buyers, you’re staging for just one visit. But, the appeal of a private showing is that it tends to attract more discerning and serious buyers. Plus, you can mitigate the inconvenience by setting some ground rules and sticking with reasonable appointment times.
#4 Make Spare Rooms/Space Stand Out
If you want to make a great first impression on potential buyers, do all that you can to highlight your spare rooms and spaces. By highlighting these areas of your home, you maximize the appeal of your living space. By staging your home and its spare rooms and spaces, you can help your home stand out for a faster and more profitable sale.
So, if you have a tough-to-use space under a staircase, consider highlighting it with some shelves and a flower display instead of trying to hide it. If there’s a room that’s too small for a full-size bed, and you don’t want to break the bank, get a small air mattress and cover it with a pretty blanket.
If you have a big open space, like a finished basement, don’t let it be dominated by the old treadmill in the corner. Adding an inexpensive desk with a computer monitor makes a potential buyer think: could this turn into my home office?
Featuring these sorts of spaces invites your potential buyers to start thinking about how they could make use of them. And that makes them see themselves living in your home, a strong step toward making a sale. Be creative to sell your home fast!
#5 Tell a Story with Your Home Description
When you’re describing your home for a listing, make it come to life for the readers. Use a story to show how your four walls and roof became your home. Show them what possibilities might be in store for their future by highlighting the features that truly make your home come to life.

Don’t be shy. Did you have a big family reunion in the backyard? Was there a memorable holiday where the dining room was the perfect space for your catering? Was the first-floor laundry room or bathroom convenient when you broke your ankle and had trouble on the stairs? By telling these stories and making your house relatable to your potential buyers, you help them see themself living in your home.
#6 Use Online Documents for Contracts
When it comes time for paperwork, go digital. The convenience of online documentation for your contracts and other filings is undeniable. You don’t need to schedule a visit, just send an email. You’re busy enough with the details of packing and moving, why make yourself crazy with another appointment? Sign digitally at your convenience.
Plus, digital documents are easy to store on your computer or a portable flash drive. You should always be mindful of your data security and it’s smart to maintain a digital backup. But by going digital, you can ditch the filing cabinet!
Summing It All Up
Selling your house in Idaho might seem easy: the market’s hot. List your house with a real estate agent, sit back and wait for a buyer to make you rich. But that’s not really how it works.
Real estate in Idaho is so hot that out-of-state speculators and big buyers are all trying to cash in, just like you. If you want to sell your house in 2021, you want to make sure that you do all you can to take advantage of the climbing prices. You might also want to look into how to find the best house buyers.
So, give a virtual tour. Stay safe if you hold an open house. Make a big splash with a private viewing for top potential buyers. Use your creativity to make spare rooms and quirky spaces stand out. Take advantage of any description of your home as an opportunity to tell a story and make it relatable to your audience of buyers. And, whenever possible, use digital documentation to keep things convenient and simple.
By taking advantage of these six tips for selling your home in Idaho, you can set yourself on a path that will minimize your workload, maximize your profit, and lead to a quick sale. If you need more help, click here: Sell my house fast in Boise!